This blog used to be what was a list of biggotry on spacehey. But i was the true bigot. Yes i did have some actual racist and homophobic people on this list but I harassed user SYRA and her friends on alts and on my main account and said some very mean things to her. I made people hurt themselves, i made syra hurt herself and all i did was drive her to insanity. I put all her blogs on this list so people would harass her because of her blogs that looked very anti LGBTQ. But they aren't, she's bisexual, and shes been groomed and has actively defended the LGBTQ community from a reputation of being "all pedophiles" by extreme right wingers. Her blogs are stating that people shouldn't associate a small group of bad people with the entire community because of the growing homophobia problem on this platform, but she has limited english skills. So her blog space has different meanings because of her poor word choice and writing choice because of her limited english skills.
I saw the versatile takes on her blogs and thought i could fight against it and gain popularity on my main account. But ive been suspended on it for telling SYRA to kill herself, for calling Moongoose a pedophile and rapist, which he is suspended and was a hard working father. SYRA never directly said that all gay people are pedophiles. She said that people need to stop associating pedophiles with gay people, and to stop pedophilia. Her other one is saying sexual things should not be around young children.
Im sorry guys that i lied and manipulated you all into thinking SYRA was a bad person. Please unblock her and show her some love.
Displaying 20 of 39 comments ( View all | Add Comment )
Srry the girl SYRA did nothing wrong and im sorry for harassing her she said in her blog she is anti pedophile not lgbtq please dont report her.
that's a really sudden switch up lol
by steam_garden; ; Report
can ii please just say
people that are following this blog are sending death threats to these people
plus Syra is part of the lgbtq community herself (its in her abt me)
Being lgbtq is about love and accepting, lets please just let people have their opinions
if everybody in this world is all the same then theres no uniquness
yes i agree we should get rid of the homophobes that send death threats, but that also means we should get rid of the queers who send death threats
coming from an lgbtq+ person, please stop harrasing others.
Hello! Their blog is actually calling gay people all pedophiles if you take the time to read it and then attempting to justify it by faking being bisexual and an ethnic minority. Nobody is harassing her, it was just a lie made up by her homophobic friends to get our people to stop calling her out because she knows she's wrong!
by LGBTQIA Alliance (Read Blog); ; Report
i feel like you need to reread that cuz clearly the title says that MAPs arent allowed in the lgbt community and the person literally says that multiple times they know not every gay person is a pedo.
by x.{finn}.x; ; Report
Lgbt alliance tho, they were only sayingg maps arent apart of the lgbt. if you dont agree then u are literally. supporting pedohpiles
like omg u say u are the lgbt. alliance but you are bringing a bad name to us
by Xx_AL3XoR3X_xX; ; Report
Please stop harassing me I apologize that you support pedophilia but it's not my problem or anyone else's so stop harassing me, stalking my profile and telling your friends to harass me and stop telling me to kill myself
Are you begging for mercy? Will you stop being a bigot?
by LGBTQIA Alliance (Read Blog); ; Report
kys disrespectfully syra ur art is fugly ur fugly nobody wants u here
by burnerthrow; ; Report
So your friends can call people rape babies and you can spread propaganda and say it's for the protection of children and tell people to kill themselves with your friends but whe. You're called out and people do the same it boohoo poor me?
by TurntechGnostic; ; Report
Syra stop victimizing yourself
by Shamglam; ; Report
errr yeah probably kys? nobody gives a shit abt you if you dont give a shit abt them syra
by rhjejdbdbddindr; ; Report
just do gymnastics off a cliff LOL
by rhjejdbdbddindr; ; Report
the death threats are disgusting just shut the fuck up all of you
by zlurv; ; Report
Karma :)
Honestly you can't expect people to take your apology truly seriously after you almost drove a girl to khs from bullying
The Good Ending
kudos to you for saying you were wrong, could have done it earlier, but hey, better late then never
Finally a good ending
tf victory sound
dude :3
LOL what is this retarded shit
Syra's alt.
actually its barry 63's alt
by SYRA; ; Report
by Moufy; ; Report
by fizpup; ; Report
we both are LOL
by SYRA; ; Report
yeah bro barry is dead
by Moufy; ; Report
OH FUCK YEAH WE WON❗❗📢📢📢📢📢📢📢📢%20-%20LGBTQIA%20Alliance%20(Read%20Blog)'s%20Blog%20SpaceHey_files/fire.png)
"There is a lot of hate on this platform"
dude arent you giving people a platform for people to further the hate? like i agree with your point but good god doing this will never make a constructive difference. youre fighting hatred with hate. its like ouroboros, youre just perpetuating a really nasty cycle.
to anyone whos on this blog jfc please go drink a glass of water and have a walk. this has gotta be so mentally draining
by mitnick; ; Report
hope youre alright man. stay safe!
by mitnick; ; Report
Im sorry that im pointing out people that do more damage existing and it's so mentally challenging to just block and report. I'm doing nothing but giving a list of hateful users, do you have a problem?
by LGBTQIA Alliance (Read Blog); ; Report
sayaka miki
I think people should be allowed to speak their mind. They are easily refutable so it isn't a problem.
No they shouldn't. When your rights starts to inflinge my rights that when you stop. Being harmful to others is not a right.
by Emma; ; Report
What the hell happened to free speech... shes not harming anyone? She's anti pedophile, what the hell is your problem?
by Deli Neli; ; Report
So am I suppose to support the MAPS or not support them?
homophobes in the comments r maldinf
Both sides are "maldinf", including you
by steam_garden; ; Report
I gave them nice messages on their profiles
️ No nazis on spacehey today
This list was clearly made with the purpose to put a target on our backs for expressing our thoughts freely. As is everyone's right. Harmless opinions and thoughts; and now we're getting harassed for it.
Do you see us sending death threats? Do you see us calling you names? Do you see us saying "your dad probably rapes and beats you daily" because you disagree with our opinion?
No. Because we're not immature. Our ego isn't so fragile that we have to oppress those who disagree with us.
God i hate Dennis Miller that MF is annoying as shit
oilboy I love rubbing myself in oil
wow theres a lot of paragraphs in this comment section
While I agree that Moongoose, Flayman and Dennis are bigoted, I really don't see how SYRA is a bigot. It seems you took her blog post about LGBT out of context
she isnt bisexual bc shes homophobic lmao
by += kashi -_- =+; ; Report
by burnerthrow; ; Report
thank you burnerthrow for this very insightful comment
by steam_garden; ; Report
good i want it to be CLEAR i dont like fascists
by burnerthrow; ; Report
they're literally giving "someone stuck in 2020 cancelling someone problematic)
by steam_garden; ; Report
I don't like facist and nazis either but SYRA (like us) isn't one of them
by steam_garden; ; Report
SYRA literally called moongoose "that random poor man"
by MetalGlitter; ; Report
by steam_garden; ; Report
It shows up as the first comment on this thread
by MetalGlitter; ; Report
I see but look, despite moongoose being an ragebait seeking asshole harassing him isnt the best idea, besides you guys give him exactly what he wants and its, say it with me, attention
by steam_garden; ; Report
I mean I guess
by steam_garden; ; Report
Nobody should be harassed either if you dont like him or not
Jules you called him a pedophile and a rapist for no reason because he said he had a kid
by SYRA; ; Report
I don't think you're even trying at this point
by steam_garden; ; Report
Ok Baby Jules so apparently by your logic:
Your parents are pedophiles because they conceived you
by Zecnetovk V.; ; Report